Supporting Local Leaders

Unlock the full potential of your community with our cutting-edge solutions, designed specifically for local government leaders in North America.

Trusted by Cities in 51 States and Provinces

The leading solution for strategic financial and infrastructure planning in cities across North America.

Loved by Elected Officials

Beautiful, intuitive communication with elected officials helps communities tackle problems together.

Aligned with the National Strategy Council

Continuously adapting our solution to enable thought leadership for excellence in local government.

What People Are Saying

"It's amazing how engaged our Board can be with our issues, and how quickly they now take big decisions."
Wes Smith
CFO, Virgin Valley Water District, Nevada
"Waterworth played a pivotal role in our recent water and wastewater rate analysis and the development of a new rate structure."
Nyla Attiana
CAO, District of Tofino, BC
"We used to rely on consultants to give us data to make decisions. Now we can easily get it done ourselves."
Tony Loete
Utilities Director, City of Moline, Illinois

Financial Control For Your Municipality

Empowering local government to deliver sustainable services and win back the public trust

You are here

Aging Infrastructure

Your current infrastructure is outdated and in need of replacement, leading to frequent breakdowns and service disruptions.

Insufficient Funding

Limited budgets and lack of investment have made it challenging to maintain and upgrade your infrastructure.

Unaffordable Rates

Current rate structures are not sustainable, leading to high costs for users and potential affordability issues.

Misaligned Stakeholders

Lack of coordination and alignment among key stakeholders has hindered progress and decision-making.

The Path Forward

Proactive Replacement and Planning

Implement a comprehensive asset management plan to proactively replace and maintain your infrastructure.

Effectively Balanced Funding Sources

Explore alternative funding sources, such as grants, public-private partnerships, and creative financing options.

Continuous Utility Rates Management

Develop rate structures that balance financial sustainability with affordability for users.

Collaborative Decision Making

Foster open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders to align priorities and drive progress.

What You'll Achieve

Modern Infrastructure

Upgrade and maintain your infrastructure to ensure reliable, efficient, and resilient service delivery.

Sustainable Funding

Achieve long-term financial stability through innovative funding solutions and responsible rate structures.

Affordable Utility Rates

Ensure that your rate structures are fair and accessible, promoting affordability for all users.

Aligned Stakeholders

Foster a collaborative environment where all stakeholders work together towards common goals and priorities.

How It Works

Make better decisions for your community — today and for the future

Waterworth is a powerful continuous utility rate management solution that integrates different data to help you gain financial control of your water and wastewater systems. With Waterworth, you can:

  • Analyze historical data and trends
  • Forecast future revenue and expenses
  • Optimize rate structures and adjust rates as needed

Customer Stories

“I was expecting at least a little pushback from some council members but got absolutely none, as my scenario modeling made it clear the true cost of inaction.”
Ryan Snow
City Manager, City of Providence, UT
“Waterworth is elevating us from short-term financial planning, all the way to inter-generational equity.”
Jason Loveland
Finance Director, City of Northglenn, CO
“We adopted a 5-year asset management plan through Waterworth and received access to significant subsidization through the state.”
Doug Arndt
Superintendent, Southington Water Company, CT
Financial Forecasting

Use Data To Drive Better Decisions

Secure balanced funding, align stakeholders & act faster

  • Live, interactive financial forecasting

  • Clearly convey infrastructure & funding needs

  • Multiple scenario exploration

  • Continuous Rates Management

  • Optimize for affordability and equitability

  • Support grant and debt applications

  • Compelling Visualization

  • Efficiently align decision makers on a course of action

  • Public transparency

Contact Us

Have a question or need assistance? Get in touch with us.
